Title (croatian) | Religijsko obrazovanje u interkulturalnoj Europi : zbornik radova |
Title (english) | Religious Education in Intercultural Europe : Proceedings |
Author | Elvi Piršl |
Author | Jadranka Garmaz |
Author | Hans Mendl |
Author | Nenad Malović |
Author | Kristina Vujica |
Author | Marianna Komáromi |
Author | Blaženka Valentina Mandarić |
Author | Gordana Barudžija |
Author | Ana Thea Filipović |
Author | Denis Barić |
Author | Tomislav Šegina |
Author | Janez Vodičar |
Author | Edina Vejo |
Author | Juro Zečević-Božić |
Author | Ružica Razum |
Author | Marija Jurišić |
Editor | Ružica Razum |
Editor | Nenad Malović |
Editor | Kristina Vujica |
Author's institution | University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Religious Education and Catechesis |
Abstract (croatian) | Dvojezični e-zbornik Religijsko obrazovanje u interkulturalnoj Europi / Religious Education in Intercultural Europe rezultat je međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Religijsko obrazovanje u interkulturalnoj Europi održane 20. rujna 2021. godine na Katoličkome bogoslovnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. I konferencija i e-zbornik aktivnosti su provedene u okviru znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta Katoličkoga bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu pod nazivom RELIGOBRAZ – Doprinos religijskoga obrazovanja suživotu u multikulturalnome društvu, koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost.
Zbornik donosi dvanaest radova u kojima se promišlja o izazovima, poteškoćama i mogućnostima religijskog obrazovanja u suvremenoj interkulturalnoj Europi. U radovima se s različitih motrišta predstavlja religijsko obrazovanje u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Italiji, Finskoj, Švedskoj, Sloveniji te Bosni i Hercegovini. Posebno je naglašeno stanje religijskog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj.
S obzirom na globalizaciju, migracijske procese, izbjegličku krizu, kako u Europi tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj, zatim na europske dokumente o interkulturalnom obrazovanju i dokumente Katoličke crkve, istaknuta je snažna potreba da se religijska dimenzija interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja stavi u središte promišljanja. Mnogi autori ističu da religijsko obrazovanje predstavlja važan resurs za ostvarivanje interkulturalnog odgoja i obrazovanja, čija je glavna svrha naučiti živjeti zajedno poštujući drugoga i drukčijega. Religiju se sve više prepoznaje i prihvaća kao važan izvor interkulturalnog obrazovanja, čija snaga oplemenjuje i ohrabruje za suživot s drugim kulturama. U tom svjetlu u ovom e-zborniku se naglašava kako religija posjeduje mudrost i pokretljivost koja ne zanemaruje vlastitu kulturu i identitet, nego upravo pravilna izgradnja vlastite kulture i identiteta biva nošena radošću susreta i interkulturalnog obogaćivanja.
Zbornik Religijsko obrazovanje u interkulturalnoj Europi / Religious Education in Intercultural Europe predstavlja doprinos nastojanju da se promjene i izazove u suvremenom europskom interkulturalnom društvu ne shvaća u prvom redu kao prijetnju, nego kao priliku za susret, dijalog i obogaćujući suživot. |
Abstract (english) | The bilingual e-collection of papers titled Religious Education in Intercultural Europe is the result of the International Scientific Conference of the same title, held on September 20, 2021, at the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the University of Zagreb. The conference and the proceedings represent the activities undertaken within the scientific research project RELIGOBRAZ - The Contribution of Religious Education to Coexistence in a Multicultural Society, a project initiated by the Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, and funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.
The collection encompasses twelve papers reflecting on the challenges, difficulties and opportunities of religious education in contemporary intercultural Europe. The papers present religious education in Germany, Austria, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina from various points of view, with special emphasis on the state of religious education in the Republic of Croatia.
Taking into consideration the globalization, migration processes, the refugee crisis, both in Europe and in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the European documents on intercultural education and the Catholic Church documents, these proceedings highlight the great need to put the religious dimension of intercultural education at the centre of reflection. Numerous authors point out the fact that religious education represents a rather important resource for achieving intercultural education, the main purpose of which is to learn to live together, respecting the other and the different. Religion is increasingly recognized and accepted as an important source of intercultural education, whose power ennobles and encourages coexistence with other cultures. In line with that, it is emphasized that religion possesses wisdom and mobility that do not neglect one’s own culture and identity; rather, the proper construction of one’s own culture and identity is carried by the joy of encounter and intercultural enrichment.
This collection of papers, as a whole, represents a contribution to the efforts to stop perceiving change and challenges in the contemporary European intercultural society primarily as a threat, and start perceiving them as opportunities for encounter, dialogue and enriching coexistence. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Keywords (english) | |
Language | croatian |
Language | english |
Language | german |
Publication type | Edited book-Scientific book-Conference proceedings |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review - international |
Publication version | Published version |
Edition | e-izdanje |
Series title | Zbornici radova |
Numeration of series or publishing unit | Knj. XVI |
Pages | 485 str. |
ISBN | 978-953-6420-40-7 (e-izdanje) |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:222:281726 |
Online first | 2022-03-24 |
Project | Number: IP-2019-04-3661 Title (croatian): Doprinos religijskog obrazovanja suživotu u multikulturalnome društvu Title (english): The Contribution of Religious Education to Coexistence in the Multicultural Society Acronym: RELIGOBRAZ Leader: Ružica Razum Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: IP |
Conference | Title: Religijsko obrazovanje u interkulturalnoj Europi Location: Croatia Start date: 2021-09-20 End date: 2021-09-20 Assembly type: Lecture |
Conference | Title: Religious Education in Intercultural Europe Location: Zagreb, Croatia Organizer: Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Start date: 2021-09-20 End date: 2021-09-20 Assembly type: Lecture |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet |
Publishing place | Zagreb |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | |
Created on | 2022-03-23 14:33:26 |