Abstract | Sv. Jeronim je i putem poslanica poticao vjernike na što savršeniji kršćanski život, a mnogi su ga molili savjete kako živjeti posvećenim životom. Rad obrađuje teme vezane uz posvećeni život zajedničke izabranim Jeronimovim poslanicama u kojima on petorma adresatima različitih staleža (svećenik, djevica, udovica, monah, djevojčica zavjetovana za posvećenu djevicu) daje savjete za život posvećen Gospodinu. Prvo poglavlje donosi informacije o Jeronimu i njegovim adresatima. Drugo poglavlje sažeto izlaže sadržaj izabranih pet poslanica. Treće, središnje poglavlje bavi se glavnim temama vezanima uz posvećeni život koje su im zajedničke; to su: odnos prema Svetom pismu, život u čistoći, odnos prema svijetu, post, odnos prema bogatstvu, siromasi i potrebiti, poslušnost autoritetima i molitveni život. Svaka se od tema zasebno obrađuje uspoređujući Jeronimove pouke adresatima poslanica koji pripadaju različitim staležima i okolnostima, ali ih povezuje ista želja za nasljedovanjem Krista. |
Abstract (english) | Saint Jerome, through his letters, encouraged believers to strive for a life of greater Christian perfection, and many sought his counsel on how to live a consecrated life. This paper examines themes related to the consecrated life that are common to the selected letters of Jerome, in which he offers guidance to five recipients from various states of life (a priest, a virgin, a widow, a monk, and a young girl dedicated to the vocation of consecrated virginity) on how to live a life devoted to the Lord. The first chapter provides biographical insights into Jerome and his correspondents. The second chapter offers a concise exposition of the content of the five selected letters. The third and central chapter explores the principal themes related to the consecrated life that are shared among these letters, such as: the relationship with Sacred Scripture, living in purity, engagement with the world, fasting, attitudes towards wealth, poor and needy, obedience to authorities and the life of prayer. Each theme is treated individually, comparing Jerome’s counsel to the recipients of his letters, who, despite their diverse states and circumstances, are united by the common desire to follow Christ. |