Title Razumijevanje patnje u teologijama Johanna Baptista Metza i Jürgena Moltmanna
Title (english) Understanding Suffering in the Theologies of Johann Baptist Metz and Jürgen Moltmann
Author Franjo Pištelek
Mentor Branko Murić (mentor)
Committee member Silvija Migles (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Murić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Bekavac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of Fundamental Theology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Fundamental Theology
Abstract Ovaj je diplomski rad podijeljen na četiri poglavlja. U prvome poglavlju prikazan je pojam patnje sa značenjima koja u sebi sadržava te je objašnjena univerzalna solidarnost svih ljudi kroz prizmu same patnje. Predstavljena je radikalizacija spomenute problematike tijekom dvadesetoga stoljeća imajući na umu dva svjetska rata, kao i oblike patnje tijekom dvadeset i prvoga stoljeća. U vezi s time donesen je kršćanski pogled na trpljenje i patnju.
U drugome poglavlju u novoj političkoj teologija njemačkoga katoličkog teologa Johanna Baptista Metza predstavljena je njegova teološka misao o patnji. Prema njegovu mišljenju, patnja je negativan misterij od kojega nas je Bog došao spasiti. Teolog razrađuje pojam patnje trima temeljnim kategorijama: spomena, pripovijedanja i solidarnosti. Posebnim nazivom ,,patnja od Boga” autor opisuje patnju kao stanje ovisno o gledištu koje Bog zauzme prema ljudima. Osim toga, teolog naglašava važnost konkretnih uvjeta u kojima ljudi žive za suvremen i autentičan govor o Bogu i zbog toga ističe da je kršćanska teologija mistika otvorenih očiju zbog očite nužnosti situacijskoga govora o Bogu koji je prije svega osjetljiv na patnju.
U trećemu poglavlju u teologiji nade i teologiji križa prikazana su promišljanja njemačkoga protestantskog teologa Jürgena Moltmanna o patnji. Podloga za problematiziranje patnje autor veže uz događaj Isusova uskrsnuća jer je i samo uskrsnuće odgovor Boga Oca na Sinovljevu patnju. Nadalje, u tematiziranju patnje autor promišlja o sposobnosti Boga da trpi, naravno, ne kao što trpi stvorenje, a vrhunac teologova interesa predstavlja Isusova patnja i smrt na križu. Taj događaj autor shvaća u trinitarnome kontekstu naglašavajući da ostavljenost Sina od Oca, prepoznata kao patnja ,,u Bogu”, ima za posljedicu stvaranje mjesta za čovjeka u Bogu po djelovanju Duha Svetoga.
Konačno, u četvrtome poglavlju prikazana su suglasja i razlike između teologija Metza i Moltmanna koje pripadaju političkoj teološkoj perspektivi u kojima se može prepoznati zajedničko polazište nastalo zbog ratnoga iskustva, kao i distinkcije jer im se teološki putevi račvaju. Iako se autori u svojim teologijama bitno razlikuju u tome što Metz problem patnje nastoji riješiti fundamentalnim, a Moltmann dogmatskim teološkim ključem, ipak svježinom misli aktualno prikazuju svu širinu problematike patnje i nude nekoliko rješenja za izlazak iz besmisla patnje koja je konstanta povijesti. Jednako tako autori žele pokušati stvoriti nova teološka promišljanja za situacijski govor o Bogu koji ide za približavanjem teorije i prakse.
Abstract (english) This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter is presented the concept of suffering and universal solidarity of all people through the prism of suffering itself. There are presented the radicalization of the mentioned issue during the twentieth century, especially with the two world wars, as well as the forms of suffering during the twenty-first century. Connected with this, also is shown a Christian view of suffering.
The second chapter contains the new political theology of the German Catholic theologian Johann Baptist Metz, regarding his theological thought on suffering. By him, suffering is a negative mystery from which God came to save us. The theologian elaborates the concept of suffering through the three fundamental categories of memory, narration and solidarity. He talks about suffering from God depending on the attitude that God takes towards people, emphasizes the importance of the concrete conditions in which people live for authentic speech about God and therefore points out that Christian theology is a mysticism of open eyes due to the obvious necessity of situational speech about God which is sensitive to suffering.
In the third chapter, there is presented the research of the German Protestant theologian Jürgen Moltmann about suffering in his theology of hope and theology of the cross. The author connects the basis for problematizing suffering with the resurrection of Jesus, because the resurrection itself is God the Father's answer to the Son's suffering. Furthermore, in the thematization of suffering, the author reflects on the suitability of God to suffer, of course not as the creation suffers, and the climax is Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. The author understands this event in a Trinitarian context. The Protestant theologian emphasizes the abandonment of the Son by the Father and in this he recognizes the suffering in God that creates a place for man in God through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Finally, the fourth chapter shows the agreements and differences between the theologies of Metz and Moltmann, which belong to the political theological perspective. Although the authors have important differences in their theologies, they still present the problem of suffering with freshness of thought and offer several solutions for a meaningful life with suffering as well as an attempt to create new theological reflections for a situational speech about God that aims to bring theory and practice closer together.
negativno otajstvo
mistika otvorenih očiju
Božja patetičnost
patnja u Bogu
Keywords (english)
negative mystery
mysticism of open eyes
God's pathos
suffering in God
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:853254
Study programme Title: Philosophical-Theological Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra teologije (magistar/ magistra teologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-17 12:32:02