Sažetak | U prošlosti su se podosta analizirale uloga i važnost žena u Crkvi, ponajviše zbog toga što su dugo vremena nisu uspjele izboriti za neke funkcije koje su imali muškarci. Crkva, kao ni mnoga ostala područja, nije pokazivala neku naklonjenost prema ženama te su se žene isključivale iz većine aktivnosti i zadataka. Unatoč tome, smatra se kako su žene u prvim kršćanskim zajednicama bile jako važne kada su obavljale službu đakonisa i udovica. U novije je vrijeme nastalo još više rasprava o službi žene u Crkvi, ali one nisu ni u Novom zavjetu imale nikakvu drugu službu osim kao đakonise i udovice, ponajviše zbog uvjeta tog vremena. Prema židovskoj tradiciji žena se snalazila u podređenoj ulozi i u kući i u braku gdje nije imala gotovo nikakva prava jer je njen odnos s mužem bio na razini vlasnika (muža) i predmeta (žene). Također, niti malo veća prava žena nije imala ni u području vjere gdje je imala zabranu aktivnog sudjelovanja na sastancima u sinagogama koji su se održavali subotama. Dakle, svaku ulogu u političkom i religioznom životu Židova mogli su obavljati isključivo muškarci, a slična je situacija bila i u drevnoj grčkoj te rimskoj kulturi. Međutim, u usporedbi s prilikama i mogućnostima žena prije kršćanstva, jasno je da se njihovo stanje i uloga u Crkvi, s vremenom, popravlja. Pavlovi tekstovi dokazuju kako su se sve više izjednačavala prava i uloge žena i muškaraca u različitim područjima, uključujući i onom vjerskom. Najveći su problemi nastupili onda kada se žena trebala ravnopravno uključiti u društveni i crkveni život u kojima su prevladavali muškarci. Isus Krist je naglašavao ulogu i važnost žene koja je bila ključna za naviještanje Radosne vijesti. On je ženu priznavao kao ravnopravnu sugovornice i držao ju jednaku muškarcu, ali iako su mu u prošlosti žene bile vjernije od muškaraca te su ga oplakivale, stajale blizu križa, pomazivale mu tijelo i otkrivale prazan grob, za razlika od muškaraca koji su ga izdali i iznevjerili kad mu je pomoć bila najpotrebnija, Isus Krist nije niti jednu od njih pribrojio apostolskom zboru. Nadalje, i Pavao je isticao ulogu i važnost žena u društvenom, ali i vjerskom životu te ih je, u aktivnostima molitve i prorokovanja, izjednačavao s muškarcima. Prikazivao je ženu i muškarca kao jednake u dostojanstvu, ali međusobno ipak različite te je inzistirao na razlici između žene i muškarca čime se htio distancirati od stava koji ih želi potpuno izjednačiti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In the past, the role and importance of women in the Church was analyzed a lot, mostly because for a long time they did not manage to fight for some functions that were held by men. The church, like many other areas, did not show any affection towards women, and women were excluded from most activities and tasks. Despite this, it is considered that women in the first Christian communities were very important when they performed the service of deaconesses and widows. In recent times, there have been even more discussions about the service of women in the Church, but they did not have any other service in the New Testament except as deaconesses and widows, mostly due to the conditions of that time. According to Jewish tradition, a woman found herself in a subordinate role both in the home and in marriage where she had almost no rights because her relationship with her husband was at the level of owner (husband) and object (wife). Also, women did not have even slightly greater rights in the field of religion, where they were prohibited from actively participating in meetings in synagogues that were held on Saturdays. Therefore, every role in the political and religious life of the Jews could be performed exclusively by men, and the situation was similar in ancient Greek and Roman culture. Compared to the opportunities and possibilities of women before Christianity, it is clear that their condition and role in the Church is improving over time. Paul's texts prove that the rights and roles of women and men were increasingly equalized in various areas, including the religious one. The biggest problems arose when women had to be equally involved in social and church life in which men predominated. Jesus Christ emphasized the role and importance of women, who were crucial for announcing the Good News. He recognized a woman as an equal interlocutor and held her equal to a man, but although in the past women were more faithful to him than men and mourned him, stood near the cross, anointed his body and discovered an empty grave, for the difference from the men who betrayed him and failed when he needed help the most, Jesus Christ did not add any of them to the apostolic choir. Furthermore, Paul emphasized the role and importance of women in social and religious life and equated them with men in the activities of prayer and prophesying. He portrayed women and men as equal in dignity, but different from each other, and he insisted on the difference between women and men, which he wanted to distance from the attitude that wants to completely equalize them. |