Title Teologija zemlje u metaforici proroka Hošee
Author Đurica Pardon
Mentor Božo Lujić (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Hohnjec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Karlo Višaticki (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 235310
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of the Scripture of the Old Testament) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-01-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Biblical Theology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 27 - Christianity
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Old testament
Abstract U ovom se radu polazi od osnovne pretpostavke da je tema zemlja središnja tema Starog zavjeta i da se iza te teme krije teologija zemlje koja daje da se čitav biblijski tekst razumije kao koherentna i dinamička cjelina koja donosi jasne Božje upute za rješavanje egzistencijalnih poteškoća vjerničkog života i svjedočenja na području političkog, etičkoekološkog, ekonomskog ili općenito moralnog ponašanja. U prvom poglavlju, nakon ukazivanja potrebe za proučavanjem biblijske teme zemlja, prikazuje se povijesni razvoj teološkog pristupa zemlji u biblijskim tekstovima. Temeljna istraživanja i spoznaje o Knjizi proroka Hošee utvrđuju, kako je pokazano u drugom poglavlju, da je taj tekst izvršio snažan utjecaj na razvoj teme zemlja u drugim biblijskim knjigama. Stoga smo Hošeinoj knjizi pristupili kao prototipu proročke literature, a Hošei kao idejnom začetniku novog teološkog promatranja teme zemlja. Originalni hošeanski pristup zemlji i teološke poruke koje su oblikovane u Hošeinom metaforičkom govoru o zemlji prikazane su u trećem poglavlju ovoga rada. Zaključci nakon proučavanja metafora o zemlji, prikazani u četvrtom poglavlju, otkrivaju da se, u kontekstu posvemašnje krize što se događala u Hošeinoj domovini, Hošein metaforički govor predstavlja kao dekonstrukcija tadašnjih shvaćanja pojma zemlja, a konstrukcija njegova novog značenja. Promičući istinu vjere o životvornoj povezanost Boga, sudbine naroda i njihove zemlje Hošea metaforama o zemlji oblikuje novo viđenje, novu strukturu uvida i iskustva stvarnosti života u/na zemlji koja je izgubila svoju prijašnju teološku, a i realnu vrijednost. Hošeinom tekstu smo pristupili koristeći se dostignućima suvremene egzegetske znanosti i saznanja s područja drugih biblijskih znanosti, a napose biblijske metaforologije. Istraživanje sadržaja pojma zemlja u metaforama kojima se služi Hošea obuhvaća ispitivanje tripartitnog odnosa čovjek-zemlja-Bog u svijetlu religioznih, političkih i ekonomskih vidova života Izraela u vrijeme djelovanja proroka Hošee. Ovo istraživanje Hošeine metaforike o zemlji utvrđuje da transkulturalna i transtemporalna moć njegovih metafora o zemlji još uvijek ima snagu promijeniti suvremene svjetonazorske poglede. Hošeine metafore o zemlji su komunikativni kanal putem kojega i do nas može doći Božja poruka o zemlji. Egzistencijalni karakter pojma zemlja otvara mogućnost prenošenja teološkog sadržaja i teološke vrijednosti teme zemlja iz vremena i okolnosti nastanka Knjige proroka Hošee u sadašnje vrijeme i današnje povijesno-političke i religiozne okolnosti.
Abstract (english) The basic premise of this dissertation is that the land theme is the central theme of the Old Testament and that behind this theme stands entire theology of the land which makes whole biblical text coherent and dynamic. Reading biblical text as theology of the land opens an ability to understand more clearly God's instructions in deliberations on solving existential problems of religious life and to find a way of its moral testimony in religious behavior: political, ethical, ecological, economic and ritual. In the first chapter, after pointing out the need and importance of the land theme, historical development of theology of the land is explained and shown. The basic research and knowledge about Hosea, as shown in the second chapter, confirms that his book made a strong impact on the development of the land theme in other biblical books. For that reason the book of Hosea was considered as a prototype of the prophetic literature, and Hosea, as the initiator of a new theological view on the land theme. Original approach to the land theme and theological messages that are designed by means of Hosea’s metaphorical speech on the land is elaborated in the third chapter of this dissertation. The conclusions after studying the land metaphors, presented in the fourth chapter, reveal that, in the context of overwhelming crisis that occurred in Hosea homeland, Hosea’s metaphorical speech can be understood as a deconstruction of the concept of land present in minds of his hearers and construction of its new meaning. By promoting the truth of faith about life-giving connection between God and the fate of the Israel and their country, through the metaphors about land Hosea develops a new vision, a new structure of insight and new experience of reality of life in/on the land that has lost its former theological, and a real value. In the approach to the text of the Book of Hosea used in this dissertation the achievements of modern exegetical science and knowledge in the field of other biblical sciences, and especially biblical metaforology is well used. Investigation of the concept of the land in the metaphors used by Hosea includes examining tripartite relation man-God-land in the light of religious, political and economic aspects of life in Israel during the activity of the prophet Hosea. This research of Hosea’s metaphors on the land reveals that, because of cross-cultural and trans-temporal power of the metaphor, and existentiality of the land concept, those metaphors still have the power to change the worldviews of contemporary people. Hosea’s metaphors on the land are communicative channel through which a God’s message about the land can get to us. The existential character of the land concept opens up the possibility of transferring its theological meaning and theological values of the land theme from time and circumstances of Hosea at the present time and present historicalpolitical and religious circumstances.
Prorok Hošea
teologija zemlje
biblijska metaforika
biblijska teologija.
Keywords (english)
Prophet Hosea
theology of the land
biblical metaphors
biblical theology.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:635651
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Licentiate and Doctorate Study Programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija (magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija)
Catalog URL https://kbf-test.zaki.com.hr/pagesResults/bibliografskiZapis.aspx?¤tPage=1&searchById=1&sort=0&fid0=1&fv0=Pardon%2c+%c4%90urica&spid0=1&spv0=pardon&selectedId=113060486
Type of resource Text
Extent 343 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-10-24 09:29:03